Income Taxes

Demystifying Pension Plan Valuations

Live and Recorded Webinar Tuesday, May 24th, 2022 1-2 PM (ET) Early Bird by 5/14, $69 After 5/14, $79 Cost includes copy of presentation and recording Registration Deadline – May 20th, 2022   This webinar was designed for Family Law attorneys and will focus on the two methods of dividing of Pension [...]

By |2022-05-06T11:18:04-04:00April 26th, 2022|Business Assets and Divorce, Divorce Negotiations, Income Taxes|Comments Off on Demystifying Pension Plan Valuations

Maryland Divorce and Taxes- How and When Should You File

In the divorce process, but haven’t filed your 2018 tax return? Your soon-to-be ex-spouse says the “best” way to file is Joint; but best for who? Are you being pressured to file jointly but negotiations are not being conducted in good faith? When you file and how you file can [...]

Helping Your Clients Avoid Costly Tax Traps
in Divorce – Beyond the Basics

Webinar Thursday December 7, 2017 1-2 pm (ET) Registration is limited to 30 Participants $79 Registration Cut-off at 10 pm, December 5th This webinar will enable you to alert your clients of the potential tax traps inherent in most divorce cases. The presentation will include dependent exemptions & transfers, alimony recapture, mortgage interest and [...]

By |2017-11-13T18:19:38-05:00October 27th, 2017|Divorce Filing Status, Income Taxes, News and Events|Comments Off on Helping Your Clients Avoid Costly Tax Traps
in Divorce – Beyond the Basics

New Age Divorce – Financial Strategies to Settle Cases

Seminar Friday September 28, 2018 8:30 to 11:30am Charles I. Ecker Business Training Center 6751 Columbia Gateway Drive Columbia, MD 21046 Seating limited to 30 Participants Early Bird registration (until 9/15/2018) $199 per person $225 after that date Registration cut-off 9/24 Register Now In 2019, Divorce Attorneys and Mediators will have [...]

By |2018-08-21T16:57:08-04:00October 20th, 2017|Business Assets and Divorce, Divorce Negotiations, Income Taxes|Comments Off on New Age Divorce – Financial Strategies to Settle Cases

Five Common Mistakes You Must Avoid
to Obtain a Positive Result

Negotiating your separation agreement can be one of the most trying, costly, and long-lasting events in your lifetime. Just like our transition to springtime, a change in attitude and mindset can enhance your chances of a faster and financially positive divorce settlement. To be better informed and able to make the tough decisions that come [...]

By |2017-07-30T09:24:08-04:00June 20th, 2017|Divorce Financial Planning, Income Taxes, Retirement Funds|Comments Off on Five Common Mistakes You Must Avoid
to Obtain a Positive Result

5 Potentially Bad Divorce Decisions
(and how to avoid making them)

Going it alone or excluding a Financial Divorce Analyst from your divorce team can lead to bad decisions that will have a negative impact on your future financial security. Here's a short list of the potentially worst decisions that individuals have made and continue to make as emotions take hold. 1. Trading your share [...]

By |2017-07-31T09:42:10-04:00August 26th, 2015|Alimony, Budgets, Divorce Settlement Agreements, Divorce Team, Financial Divorce Analyst, Hidden Income, Income Taxes, QDRO, Tax Exemptions|Comments Off on 5 Potentially Bad Divorce Decisions
(and how to avoid making them)

Divorce Financial Planner Using Graphics to Settle Cases

Certified Divorce Financial Analysts™ (CDFA) have a unique and effective  "tool" to help individuals understand the potential financial impact that a settlement offer can have on their future finances. If used properly, introducing charts and graphics into settlement discussions can focus all parties on the bigger picture, separate fact from fiction, and make it [...]

By |2017-08-04T10:04:45-04:00October 21st, 2014|Divorce Filing Status, Divorce Financial Planning, Divorce Settlement Agreements, Financial Divorce Analyst, Income Taxes, Marital Property, Maryland Property Settlements|Comments Off on Divorce Financial Planner Using Graphics to Settle Cases

One of my favorite tasks – Finding Hidden Income or Assets in Divorce

Finding hidden income or assets in divorce is one of the most challenging yet rewarding service that a CDFA™ or CPA can provide. It can alternatively be frustrating and expensive for the client, providing little or no answers. In any forensic case, I always alert my clients to the probability of little or no [...]

By |2017-08-04T09:21:37-04:00November 6th, 2013|Forensic Services, Hidden Income, Income Taxes, Marital Property|Comments Off on One of my favorite tasks – Finding Hidden Income or Assets in Divorce

Maryland Divorce Advice – Critical Tax and Financial Issues

I’ve seen it time and time again. When divorcing spouses sign divorce agreements without the guidance of an experienced Financial Divorce Specialist, the result can be significantly higher income taxes and unnecessary penalties for either or both spouses. Many times, the Maryland Separation and Divorce Agreement (MSA) does not address significant tax issues, its [...]

By |2017-07-27T11:13:28-04:00August 22nd, 2011|Divorce Settlement Agreements, Income Taxes, Marital Property, QDRO|Comments Off on Maryland Divorce Advice – Critical Tax and Financial Issues